Sunday, October 7, 2007

My Story, in a Nutshell

I'm interested in writing about nutrition and natural healing, including diet; cleansing; supplements; phytonutrients; water; meditation; affirmations; exercise and all aspects of healing mind, body and spirit. My knowledge comes from five years of ongoing research into alternative medicine and my own healing experience.

I am a breast cancer survivor. Originally diagnosed in 2002, I rejected all conventional treatments and instead opted for alternative therapies which I researched myself. For 3+ years I was cancer-free while remaining diligent to my protocol. Gradually, I returned to old habits and bad dietary choices until 19 months ago when I was diagnosed with a stage-4 metastasized recurrence of breast cancer. I learned the hard way that I had to make life-long changes for optimum health and healing.

After returning to alternative therapies and becoming more aggressive about my research I again rejected chemo and radiation. I also went to a hospital in Mexico for natural treatments, and within three months the cancer stopped spreading. I've been stable for nearly a year. I'm being monitored by my oncologist and all tests and lab reports continue to show steady healing and withdrawal of the cancer.

I have no limitations, physical or otherwise, due to the cancer. My health is excellent - in fact robust - in every other way. I'm routinely asked for information about my self-designed protocol and am gratified when I'm able to help others. I'd like to spread the word that cancer is not a death sentence, and that it's possible to live and thrive with it as the body heals itself. I'd also like to remove some of the stigma associated with cancer. To that end I've been writing a book about my experiences and healing regimen. Portions will periodically be posted here.

Follow these links to read my reports on

A Holistic Strategy Against Cancer

Enzyme Therapy For Cancer Prevention And Treatment

Thermography: A Safer Option for Breast Cancer Detection


A New Life said...

I can relate, Mary. I had breast cancer, too. Four weeks prior to my lumpectomy, I ate an alkaline diet, eliminating all processed foods, refined sugar, flour, etc. I drank green juices, I exercised, did yoga and visualization,took high quality supplements, included spirulina and chlorella in my diet and when the surgery was done, there was no sign of cancer. But I recognized early on that this change was for life. There is no going back to old ways, nor do I wish to. I look better than I did before, having reverse aged. My figure is better than when I was in my 20s since at 51, I no longer have the cellulite I had since 14. My skin is silky after a lifetime of dry skin. I went back to school at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NYC, and I am working to help other to change their lifestyles--even the small children in the district in which I teach, for I see them on a path of destruction, eating highly processed foods. Best of luck to you. I have spoken to many people--including "terminal" patients who are here and healthy now due to alternative medicine.

Barbara Santos said...

My sister is going through conventional methods after breast surgery. I would not want to go through that should I also get breast cancer. I look forward to your book.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mary,

I appreciate what I've read so far. Do you answer questions for those of us who currently have breast cancer? I have a few questions. Thank you. My email address is:

Mary Laredo said...
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Joyce said...

Mary, I hope many woman will hear/read your story. I have twice been diagnosed with breast cancer, 24 years apart.

First mastectomy in 1983.
Most recently underwent the second mastectomy this past November. I am most interested in pursuing a diet and lifestyle to build my immune system and 'discourage' any further growth of cancer cells elsewhere in my body.

I am pursuing a vegetarian, whole foods, mostly raw diet. I have not added supplements yet - too many options. I'm monitoring my pH and maintaining an alkaline system. Would like to add additional enzymes to boost the body along. Your information will be much anticipated.
Thanks for sharing.

Andrew Reiner said...

Encouraging indeed. Looking forward to your book. The material that appears in newspapers and on TV is nothing more or less than brainwashing or, if you want to call a spade a spade, free advertising for the pharmaceutical industry promoting dangerous chemotherapy and other expensive, unproven and dangerous medical treatments like radiation and surgery. The real issue, however, is not treatment, not even natural treatment, but prevention! Cancer, including breast cancer, is preventable. Noone needs to suffer or die - It is a tragic waste of human life!