Thursday, February 7, 2008

Cancer 101

To anyone reading this who has just been diagnosed with cancer, I’d first like to say two words: “Don’t panic!” Cancer is not a death sentence and as long as you are breathing you still have a functioning immune system that can be strengthened, allowing your resilient body to heal itself. Believe it!

And by the way, don't ever claim ownership of the cancer by calling it "my cancer", unless you want to keep it.

Many people have asked me what I’ve done to reverse my Stage IV metastatic breast cancer without orthodox treatments. The short answer is that I’ve done many things, beginning with educating myself about how to provide the body, mind and spirit what it needs to heal naturally.

I’ve used many, many natural therapies and supplements, but what I believe to be the single most important aspect of any healing regimen is diet. Proper nutrition will enhance all the other treatments, whereas a poor diet will delay or prevent healing.

If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, or any other chronic illness, you would do yourself a great favor by considering the role your diet plays in helping or hindering your healing efforts. It’s not likely that your doctor will advise you on nutrition because s/he has not been trained in that area.

We’ve been accustomed and conditioned in our society to expect quick fixes in the form of prescription drugs or toxic therapies; however, these treatments address only the symptoms (tumors and metastasis) while ignoring the underlying imbalances and needs of the body. In order to heal, toxins must come out of the body. Ingesting toxins will never allow the body to heal itself.

Here are just a few suggestions to begin cleansing your body:

If you are addicted to the Standard American Diet (SAD) you should immediately eliminate the worse offenders, including sugar, refined grains, hydrogenated oils and trans-fatty acids. If you drink alcohol, use recreational drugs or smoke cigarettes, quit.

Avoid drinking tap water, carbonated beverages and caffeine. Instead drink filtered water, herbal teas and fresh, organic juices.

Some important foods that should be added to the diet include fresh vegetables, especially the leafy greens like spinach and kale, fruit, raw and unsalted seeds and nuts, unheated olive oil and flax oil, as well as coconut oil for cooking.

Try to add more raw foods as you reduce your intake of cooked and processed foods.

These are just a few tips to get you started. For more information and inspiration visit the following websites:


Anonymous said...

"It’s not likely that your doctor will advise you on nutrition because s/he has not been trained in that area. should immediately eliminate the worse offenders, including sugar, refined grains, hydrogenated oils and trans-fatty acids. If you drink alcohol, use recreational drugs or smoke cigarettes, quit."

Actually, these are exactly the sorts of things doctors are telling patients. Eat healthfully, exercise, quit smoking. These recommendations originated from medical research and practice!

Mary Laredo said...

Suzannah, thank you for your comment. If you have a doctor who is advising you on nutrition you are very fortunate! When I was originally diagnosed with breast cancer in 2002, the response to my inquiry as to diet was to eat whatever I wanted. I was given educational brochures that advised eating high calorie foods such as ice cream, chocolate bars, etc. to keep weight on while undergoing chemotherapy. As for lifestyle chnages such as quitting smoking, drinking and exercising, I agree that doctors are offering these recommendations - it is in the area of nutrition that most doctors are untrained.